Hi! I am Anshul Swatantra Gupta, a 40 years old Chartered Accountant by profession, running two companies relating to finance in India. I have a beautiful wife and two kids and live happily alongwith my parents in a joint family.

Life introduced me to spirituality at the age of 30 when I started meditating. Meditation came to me so naturally and effortlessly that I don’t remember how and when it became a part of my life and changed it radically. It simply happened!

At age 31, I discovered within my being a writer and poet! I hope you like my poems and writings on this website.

Although I call this site a life coaching site (for people to understand my motive) but I feel that there is nothing to be taught or coached about here. The only aim is to make you your own master, master of your own happiness and bliss by sharing with you my own experiences and understanding about life with the help of meditation.

I am not a traditional coach by any stretch of imagination. And I don’t want to be one!

Already I have had earned many degrees, the effect of which I am trying to undo now! All the information, dogmas, ideas, philosophies that had entered into me since childhood have to be thrown out now. So, double wastage of time; first you take it in and then throw it out.

I would like to be called your spiritual friend (or tequila friend if you like!:) because what a friend can do, a coach could never do for you! My aim is not to coach you but give you an environment where it would become possible for you to know your inner self and make meditation a part of your life or better make life a meditation!

I believe that when you know the truth then you don’t need a training for sharing it! What training do you need for sharing your experience about Love? It simply is! And a friend can do it the best! And friends don’t charge you; so do I : )

I am a great fan of Osho and love him to the extent that I feel I myself am Osho 🙂 He changed my life forever and gave me the confidence of drinking the Spiritual Tequila! You can smell his fragrance in my writings!