Yesterday I was driving from my office to home when some cab driver suddenly started honking at me from behind demanding a chance to overtake in that tight lane.
One, my ego and second my actual inability to give side due to tightness of the lane, the cab driver became furious and despite there not being sufficient space, he finally decided to overtake me anyhow!

The front bumper of my car got scratched in the process. I got mad and started chasing him. I did that for a kilometre or so when I suddenly stopped and realised that I had fallen to the level of consciousness of that cab driver.

I found that in those few moments I had lost touch completely with my own self and started to flow wherever my mind took me. This time running after that cab driver.

Our mind has the tendency to imitate, if not at the conscious level then at the sub conscious level. That’s why it’s said that a person is known by his company. And it’s true. We become as is our company.

Now if the level of consciousness of the member (s) of that company is higher than us then it’s good for us otherwise detrimental to our growth and happiness.

In the example given above, the level of consciousness of that cab driver was lower than me. Not because he was a cab driver (a cab driver can have a level of consciousness much higher than that of a CEO) but because at that moment of time he had given into his emotions created by his free flowing negative thoughts generated by mind.

By getting angry over that driver and losing my cool I decided to actually fall down to his level of consciousness during that period of time. I should instead have kept my cool and never let my mind take over my consciousness that is my true self and that knows nothing but joy and happiness.
It was all in all my loss!

So next time when someone behaves badly with you just don’t let your consciousness fall down!