Don’t lure your child into saying ‘Yes’ all the time. Don’t promise him/her gifts just for saying ‘Yes’ to you. By doing so you are suppressing the voice of his/her soul.

When a child says ‘No’, its auspicious. It means that his soul wants to assert itself. He now wants to explore this world on his/her own. He wants to find his own God!

Simply be concerned. If you think that the child’s ‘No’ might land him in trouble then keep an eye and help him indirectly but don’t kill his ‘No’ or simply praise his ‘Yes’. That way you would put her into the same misery that you are going through in life.

Don’t impose yourself onto the child. Do you want him to become your photocopy? I have seen many photocopies and they look so ugly! Let the child find his/her own individuality; Let him feel free and responsible!