“One who cannot love all, cannot love anyone. The wife says her husband should love only her and not be loving towards anybody else, the stream of his love should flow only towards her.

But she doesn’t realize that such love is false and that she has caused it to be so. How can a husband who is not always full of love for everybody be loving toward his wife?

To be loving means it is the nature of one’s life around the clock. One cannot be full of love for one person and devoid of love for others. But until today mankind hasn’t been able to see this simple truth. The father asks the child to be loving to him. But what about the old servant in the house? No need, he is only a servant. But the old servant this son hasn’t ben allowed to be loving to, is also someone’s father, and this father doesn’t realize that tomorrow if not today, when he himself has grown old, he will complain about his son not being loving to him. His son could have grown into being a loving man had he been taught to be loving toward all. Love is a matter of inner nature, not of relationship.

Love has nothing to do with relationship; love is a state of being. It is an inner component of one’s personality. We should be given another kind of teaching, that of being loving- loving to each and all. If a child even puts down a book in an unloving way, the child’s attention should be drawn to the fact. “It is unseemly to your personality to place the book that way. Someone will see, hear of or notice that you have misbehaved with the book, that you have misbehaved with your dog. It indicates a shortcoming in your personality.”

Note: the above text is taken as an extract from the book ‘From Sex to Superconsciousness’ by my beloved Bhagwan Osho.