An urge to do something…
A few months back I visited the Jim Corbett National Park in India. While roaming inside, I closely watched a deer sitting and relaxing in its designated open area under a tree. It’s serene eyes, rhythmic breathing, relaxed posture and the calmness on its face (as if it was meditating) kept me engaged for ten minutes or so when I continuously kept adoring it. I could have spent the whole day there watching the deer but my children pulled me by my belt yelling at me 🙂

It appeared to me that animals, unlike humans, live continuously in the Now. They don’t think. They don’t strategise. Living in the present they simply enjoy the existence.

Human being right from birth is gifted by the society with an ‘urge’ to do something. This urge or compulsion to do something either mentally or physically takes birth from the mind and its continuous mentation. Mind keeps one’s being engaged either in the past or the future, leaving no space for the present where exists calmness, relaxation and joy.

Mind forces the eye of consciousness to look outside for doses of temporary and meaningless pleasures, which are no less than miseries in disguise. In the process we lose all our vital energies and our life becomes dull and painfully long like the face of a married man or woman!

Meditation is the only cure. It is the only way to claim back our relaxation. We achieve the same state of calmness and relaxation during meditation as that deer was naturally enjoying. With continuous meditation, this relaxation and calmness becomes a part and parcel of our lives. We can use the mind at our will. Only when required we shall go to the future or past for reference purpose otherwise stay always in the present, the Now.