Awareness is the key to your true Self. Live in Awareness. Meditation is the only way.
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What is Awareness?

Awareness is a simple english word. One who is alive is aware. I am aware that I am alive. I am aware of my outside surroundings, I am aware of my relationship with people, my car, my house, my name, my office, friends, family and so on.

Awareness is the hidden ‘eye’ within us that sees/witnesses. However, the quality of our lives depends on what it actually sees or witnesses. What it actually is aware of?

In normal course this eye remains surrounded by, and entangled in, the thought/dream process or in other words the ‘Mind’. This causes the eye to always focus on outside that is surreal, or a dream, and leave the inside (our own true self) ignored.

The highest state achievable (possible through meditation only) is the state of ‘no mind’ or in other words a state where the process of dreaming or thinking stops completely and the eye gets established in the ‘Now’. It starts looking inside at itself (yes, this eye is capable of looking at itself and this is what is called the state of Samadhi, which is nothing but the fruition of meditation).

In this state its the choice available to the person whether to use the eye for the outside (the material world of thoughts and objects) or the inside (where there is nothing but pure silence). And this becomes possible with the complete control over the process of thinking that is the mind. Now the mind is no more the master but the servant.

So, anyone who is alive is aware or conscious but the question is not whether one is aware or not. The question is that of the quality of awareness. Even animals are aware or conscious. But they don’t even know of their being conscious. We know. We can be aware that we are aware. Our eye of awareness is capable of looking at itself, sensing itself. Only human beings can ‘feel’ that they are aware. And this is what is aware-ness. To be able to be aware that one is aware is actually aware-ness. And to get established in this state of aware-ness is samadhi, mukti, nirvana, God or whatever. This is the pure awareness that we talk about.

But the whole life we spend in deep unconsciousness, i.e., entangled in the mind or the dream, without having the feel that we are aware. Without even tasting it. We don’t give a chance to this faculty inside us that can make us aware that we are aware. This is the only thing that differentiates us from animals at soul level and we have not given it a chance to even shoe its face. This faculty gets activated only when mind stops or the thinking or dreaming stops and ours never stops!

For example, while eating, walking, standing, talking etc., we are never aware that we actually are aware. We eat, walk, stand or talk without awareness. Its all in an unconscious state of mind. We act as robots. Once we get a knack of it, we start getting aware of our doing things. We get established in the Now. The mind no more forces our awareness to get lost in the outside. Now the eye starts looking at itself and we stay put in the aware-ness.