Looking at life through the lens of death makes life all the more valuable! A period of 30-40 years that normally appears to be quite long suddenly appears to fall short!

For the next 10 years I would work, then I will spend time with my children for next 10 years, the next 10 years I will go on a second honeymoon with my wife and so on ☺. All planning appears childish and insane when looked at through the lens of death.

Problem is not with work, or spending time with children etc. but the problem is postponing the life as if we have got an eternity to live.

The energy and vitality that need to be put into each and every moment gets spread over decades leaving not even an iota of energy for the present moment!

This makes one dull and dead in the Now and lively somewhere in the dream future that never comes! I become a hero in the future but a zero in the present ☺

With death consciousness, as is wrongly believed, one doesn’t become dull simply sitting waiting for death, leaving all the work, but on the contrary the intensity of living the life increases manifold. Imagine the situation when you are left with just two more days in your vacation!

So this time you still celebrate your birthday but with the intensity and vigor as if this could be your last birthday! Hug your friends and family as tightly as possible!