First of all the title of this article is wrong! Meditation is not a doing; it’s a non-doing! It’s simply a witnessing!

In continuation to my pervious article on ‘What is Meditation?’ I have discussed here ‘Doing Meditation’ or as we now know ‘Not Doing Meditation’!

To witness or to meditate simply means to stay put in the present moment, which means not hankering either in the past or the future. To simply exist, to simply be!

When we say meditation is witnessing then the first question that comes to mind is ‘what to witness?’ The object of meditation could be anything. It could be our breathing, our thoughts, a candle flame; it could be a point or area like the point between eyebrows; it could be an activity that we do like love making, eating, walking, speaking or it could be an outside activity or object like a river flowing, a cow eating grass, a flower, a tree, a woman or a man and so on. It could literally be anything!

When we are in witnessing mode, the object of meditation actually doesn’t matter because we anyway don’t have to analyze it or think about it. We don’t have to like or dislike it. The object is needed simply to let mind concentrate or focus on something because of its fickleness, its monkey nature.

Witnessing a situation rather than applying our mind to it changes the quality of our perception and the emotions that we resultantly feel inside us. For example, while taking shower when I become a witness to my taking the shower, I start enjoying the moment. Rather than having my shower in sleepiness, simply going from point A to point B, I enjoy it; I become a part of the activity; I become the activity itself!

With witnessing, in a state of no-mind, I flow with the life because life is situated in this present moment and with no-mind I also get hooked to the present moment and thereby become one with the life!