Given the nature of our mind, witnessing doesn’t come to us naturally. Our mind keeps on throwing at us a series of thoughts that involves and entangles us every time we try to focus while meditating pulling us out of the present moment where the witnessing lies!

There is, however, nothing to get discouraged about! Make these thoughts an object of meditation. Simply witness them and observe them like you would watch the clouds floating in the sky or a river flowing. Let them disturb and pull you back as many times as they could but without getting discouraged you come back every time like a soldier!

When we don’t pay attention to our thoughts and simply witness or watch them passing by on the screen of our mind, they lose power and eventually die.

Thoughts need energy to survive and we only provide this energy to thoughts by giving our attention to them. When we withdraw our attention towards them and simply observe or watch or witness them, they lose energy and hence fade away and eventually die!