A few days back I tried one of Osho’s cathartic meditations named Dynamic meditation. One of the sessions of this meditation required me to dance. I tried it. But was unable to dance! I was surprised. I felt so blocked inside that dance simply didn’t come out. I practiced. But nothing. I was not able to enjoy it.

However after a few days of continuous practice I started dancing ‘from inside’ for those ten minutes or so. This dancing was so cathartic for me that I started feeling very light and relaxed. As if the junk and rubbish inside me was being thrown out of my being.

Then I remembered the days when my wife and children used to ask me to dance with them but I always made one excuse or the other. This time I approached them with loud music and asked them to dance with me and they were overwhelmed with joy. We danced together for about half an hour, on our terrace, without worrying what neighbours might think of us, and during this period I felt the oneness with my family for the first time in my life.

I think especially in our Indian families where parents don’t emote much (not much hugging, kissing, dancing. Even the parents appear to be sister and brother more than husband and wife), dancing together would play a very important role in bonding members together. Bonding doesn’t mean living together but a bond shared deep inside.

They say that a family that prays together stays together, but I say that a family that dances together stays together. Not to forget one’s own cleansing. Try it!