High preparations
Great apprehensions
Last minute advises
Hope for celebrations
That’s my child’s tournament of chess.

Reaching the venue on time
Dying to know the opponent’s name
Waiting for the match to commence
That’s my child’s tournament of chess.

Win or lose?
Life gets stuck
No mood to stroll
Hauling the mind
out of the chess hall
That’s my child’s tournament of chess.

My child starts appearing vulnerable
The opponent appears unbeatable
Praying for the win of my race horse
That’s my child’s tournament of chess.

Makes me meet all my weak emotions
Fear, jealousy, worry and doubt
challenge my sense of spiritualization
My mind gives me premonitions
That’s my child’s tournament of chess.

Gifts me a chance to become strong
A chance to climb up the emotional ladder,
for what I so long
A chance to look at the opponent as my own child
Pray for both to play their best
That’s my child’s tournament of chess.

My child’s tournament of chess
allows me to understand
the meaning of failure
Two faces of the same coin,
success is no different from failure
Both are the part of same destination with no comparison
Who can tell which is more important the Moon or the Sun.

My love for my child shall remain the same
Performance is no benchmark for the same
Win or loss, loss or win,
I will always love him
Whatever be the result
of my child’s tournament of chess.