Despite of having top brass brilliant people, Indians are being counted and seen among the most underdeveloped people in the world. Anywhere you go.
In my opinion, our religion (or its wrong interpretation) is responsible for this. We have lost our self respect. Our so called good and saintly people have taught us over thousands of years not to love ourselves. Our false ‘ram ram’ has caused us to become dead and stale. Now we are doing this ‘ram ram’ to the whole world, not out of love, respect or anything but out of surrender and they are looking us down upon.

Spirituality doesn’t mean surrender or escapism. All those people who left world and escaped to caves gave a very bad name to spirituality. It’s simply a way of living, thinking and being. Living a life full of fun, love and happiness. That’s all.

We have surrendered in the name of God. We have been cowardly for last hundreds of years. Thats why we lost our freedom. We don’t love ourselves anymore because we have been taught not to be selfish. Selfish my foot. Unless one loves himself how can he love anyone else. How can he even grow? How can an empty vessel pour its contents?

I have seen that we Indians don’t love ourselves. We take pleasure out of calling ourselves poor and miserly. We want sympathy. It’s in our blood now. But one thing is for sure that no one is going to give us the sympathy. They will simply exploit our situation.

Stop expecting that someone is going to come down from heaven or something. C’mon guys, how can he come down when there is no one there? We have become retarded. Going backwards because of these golden chains of false and meaningless big talks and stale religion that stinks.

We need a brain wash. We need to forget our past and make a new beginning. This can be done only when we meet ourselves in the deepest core of our beings. Then only we would get to know that we are not some Ram or Hanuman but pure simple lovely human beings who are God themselves.