A Reminder to the Short Lived Memories of Indians:
It’s time we claim back our self respect and dignity. Not by hue and cry outside but by moving inwards! Read this!


This is Nirbhaya Damini! You think you lost me and could forget me but I am still there. There inside you all. I have now reached my purest form and can see things in the right perspective for the first time! Guys, I have a message to convey.

You all think that I was raped and murdered by those 6 people. True but not true! What I now know is that I died of a disease. I was subjected to a collective diseased mind known as the ‘human mind’. And it’s not about country, sex, class, creed, crime, money or anything. It’s something we all carry within and without ourselves day in and day out.

Punishing the culprits is of utmost importance and making zero tolerant rules and regulations is even more important. No doubt about that. But what about us the so called ‘non-culprits’ or ‘innocent’ people? Culprits will be punished but the society from which they were born, who is going to punish it? Today you punish 6, tomorrow 60 more will take birth. And this society includes both men and women, saints and sinners, everyone. The parents who brought up those 6 people, the teachers who went all wrong while educating them, us, the whole society is responsible for their conduct. And society here means the whole world.

What our world today needs is healing more than punishment. You can punish and finish a single diseased body but that’s not going to kill the disease, the infection of mind. Please be aware that our bodies are not diseased or infected but our mind is diseased. Then there is no point punishing the body when we actually need healing of mind. Fear of punishment of body might deter the diseased mind from manifesting itself in reality but its not going to heal it. Whenever and wherever it gets opportunity it will project itself.

It’s not about one Nirbhaya Damini, it’s about the human race and its not only about crime, or more specifically crime against women, but its about the human psyche. It’s not about my daughter or my son or my sister or brother or my government or country, it’s about all of us.

We all commit crimes and subjected to crimes 24×7 in the disguise of societal behavior. Whenever you prefer boy child over girl child, I am raped; whenever a poor and destitute dies on street freezing in cold, I am raped; when you fight with your brother on street over a petty issue, I am raped; when you slap your child for securing grade ‘B’ instead of grade ‘A’, I am raped.

We all become rapists sometime or the other. We might call it differently or judge by how heinous the crime or conduct is but deep down we all are violent. We are introduced to crime and violence right in our childhood. The difference is that some take it out and vomit on vulnerable people like I was and some keep it inside until they die. But all are ready and filled with it! I simply faced the magnified effect of this suppressed illness.

Friends, I don’t say that fighting for justice or rights is wrong but I only want to urge that when you light a candle outside in my name, light one inside as well. The darkness that is there inside is the one you see outside.