Sri Krishna is the only example I find in human religious history who taught us how to live life joyfully. He was the only person who worshipped life, lived it to the fullest and celebrated it.
Stories about his playfulness, wives, girlfriends etc all depict his innocence and his love towards life; a life unaffected by any dogma, principles, so called values etc.

He loved himself and then loved others. He was so full of love. His life story inspires us to maintain a balance between the expectations of society and what we want for our own selves.

For Krishna, life was all romance. Nothing serious about it. The way he died also shows that life was nothing serious for him. No special event, nothing, he simply died in a very non-eventful manner, lying in a park enjoying the moment when a hunter wrongfully shot arrow at him! Life for him was so simple and light. No other God died such a simple death! The only purpose of life for him was to live life!

I love the life of Krishna…

Inspired by beloved Osho.