Sometimes we feel that the existence is illogical. So many times it happens that we plan for something and expect it to happen in a particular way only to find that something exactly opposite happens!

But does that mean existence is illogical? Or does it show the ordinariness of our own intelligence? I think the latter is true.

In our day to day lives everything is so 2+2=4. In most cases we see at work the law of cause and effect. For example when we throw a stone at the glass window it breaks. The cause is the throwing of stone and effect is breakage of glass.

However, there are times when we are presented only with the effect and the cause is completely unknown to us. This effect may make us happy or sad according to how we take it. In such cases we tend to feel that the working of existence is illogical.

But just because we do not know something we cannot blame the nature. It’s our own limitation.

The ‘law of karma’ works exactly as per the cause and effect relationship. If we understand this law we would find that nature never leaves any balance sheet untallied. It’s the perfect accountant. There is always a cause attached to an effect. That cause might be stored in the inner realms of our unconscious or sub conscious mind but the effect is there in front of us to witness in real time. We may not remember the cause but nature doesn’t and can’t afford to forget it!

Refer the post ‘Law of Karma’ by osho (under the category ‘law of karma’).