All men have this feminine side or energy and all women have their masculine side or energy. So they are basically one. It’s a game of energies within the same vessel.

It’s just that a man may be ten percent feminine and a woman ninety percent and vice versa. Men having a little feminine energy (that is heart centered) is of utmost importance otherwise the idiots would blow up the whole existence with their atom bomb!

On the other hand women also need to have that little masculine energy (mind centered) otherwise they would become too emotional and heart dominated and survival in this world would become difficult.

Now the issue is that even this little feminine side of men is dying day by day making him more mind centric than required. He has lost balance. That’s why money madness and all.

On the other hand women also are becoming more and more masculine in a bid to compete men that has almost taken away from them their comfort and warmth that they should be getting in the company of their heart.

If men understand their feminine energy and women their masculine energy and create a harmony within then there would be no conflicts either inside and outside between the two poles and there would be smooth sailing.