We waste our whole life in an effort to become what we are not, become someone or something else, what the nature has not desired us to become in the first place.
Everyone is unique. Never in the past, never in the future someone like me was or will be there.
To be oneself is the most enjoyable thing one can do, a gift that we can give to our being, to God.
Let’s re connect with the most ignored person in our life and that’s our own Self!

Like sugar, I have melted into this existence;
Whole world is mine, there is no one but me;

This freedom is so ecstatic;
For the first time, I am Me.

I have found the anchor within me,
Nowhere to escape now,
Nowhere to reach.

Life is the destination not journey,
I had always been there,
where I wanted to reach.

Inspired by my Guru, the so called Madman, Osho!