The train of my life is moving so fast
I want to slow it down; I am aghast
I want to live the beautiful moments that silently pass through me unnoticed
I don’t want to leave the laughters of my child unrelished.

The flower in the garden
is trying to speak to me
but my mind is not free
The dog on the street
is asking for food
But I am not in mood.

I was expected to say ‘thank you’
by the tree that gave me shade
I was expected to say ‘sorry’
by the soul of the ant that under my foot got laid.

I want to enjoy my walk in the wood
I don’t want to be afraid of speaking the truth
I don’t want to carry my failures with me forever
I don’t need to be insane worrying about the future before it occurs.

My mind is stuck in the web cast
by present, future and past
The spider of worry and fear
is slowly coming near
I don’t want this spider to devour on me
I want to live in this moment
I want to be free.
Remember : Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday.