A new car, new dress, new house; we immediately become possessive about it. Imagine your mental condition if someone scratches your new car or spills coffee over your new dress!

Possessiveness takes away all the joy out of our experience. It brings with itself a bondage. It is a liability. And we can never enjoy a bondage/liability; we can enjoy only an asset/freedom.

Same applies to human beings. When we become possessive, say about our partner or our child, we are not able to enjoy their company and instead we suffer. What could have been a wonderful experience in life becomes the most dreaded; more so for the other person!


What to do?

Don’t think ‘it is mine’ or ‘he/she is mine’. Simply thank those things or people for having making themselves available for us to ‘experience’ them. To enjoy the experience, don’t possess; simply love and be thankful for ‘togetherness’!