Meditation is a must for the modern human being. Unfortunately, however, in certain classes and groups it is associated with escapism or sannyas etc. This is nonsense. This makes them afraid.
Meditation that developed in India was available only to royal families earlier. These priests and so called mahatamas intentionally kept common public away from meditation and its benefits so that their own shop doesn’t get closed because if common man finds God on his own through meditation then where is the need for these fools?

Importance of meditation is all the more with modern man. Pace of life is taking us farther away from God. It is high time we resort to meditation and find our centre within. Once this centre is found then working for even 24 hours won’t give us any stress.

Stress is the result of conflict between our true self and the false self. With meditation we can reduce the gap and set things right. Our ancestors never talked about stress. They didn’t even know any such term. More we develop on the outside, inevitably we get farther away from the inside. We need to catch hold of this gap and reduce it.