If we don’t meditate, we would end up wasting life. Now is the time. This is the only way available to meet the real God within, to become God itself. Only to human beings this medicine is available and to no other species because only we have the faculty of witnessing. We can see ourselves. Just invest five minutes daily to start with. Simply find a quiet place at home or outside and close your eyes. Do nothing, let loose and let go. Witness your breathing cycle. In out, in out….

Let thoughts come, doesn’t matter. It’s their duty. You do your own duty of simply seeing or witnessing. Let thoughts come and go just don’t entangle yourself in those thoughts. You don’t provide them any energy that way. World will stay as it is even if you don’t pay attention to anything during those five minutes!

Once you get the taste of meditation then these five minutes will convert into one hour without your knowing.