When we look at, or witness, without applying mind, simply witness and observe, any emotion generating within ourselves like anger, desire, lust etc., it will automatically settle down within around 5-10 seconds. It was nothing but a disturbance /surge of energy.

Similar is the case with a thought. If you want to get rid of a thought, say a negative thought that’s bothering you, ‘do’ nothing just watch it passing by, floating in your mind.

The moment we start witnessing with our inner eye, the outer eye open or closed, we withdraw energy from that thought or emotion and it becomes impotent and eventually die!

It is very simple. You just need to look at or witness or watch within yourself the thought or emotion just like you watch a river flowing.

But don’t think about or analyse it while doing so. Otherwise you will end up rather providing energy to it and it will like mushroom up and aggravate!
This is a law!