What would you call a person if he asks you to tear off a hundred dollar bill? Insane, to say the least! But if he would be insane then we all are insane as we continuously keep on tearing much more than hundred dollar bills day in and day out by wasting our invaluable energy.

Our mind continuously play with our consciousness through a series of unending thoughts. But thinking is not for free! It costs us our energy. That energy which could have been utilized in creating wonders in life is drained in useless thinking.

Mind keeps us either in the future or the past thus creating tension and anxiety within. All emotions start with a thought, and thoughts, good or bad, consume energy (negative thoughts all the more as they create resistance with our true self just like driving a car with brakes applied) because thoughts are things. They may appear abstract to us but they are actually things when it comes to consuming energy.

We need to treat our mind as our servant and accordingly think whenever it is necessary to do so. In the beginning it might seem difficult to do but with practice freedom from compulsive thinking can be achieved. For example, while enjoying a morning walk there is no need to think. But our mind makes us think unnecessarily and instead of gaining energy we end up losing some at the end.

Meditation is the only cure for this. We need to understand and train our mind to think only when necessary and that too in positive and creative ways.