Tears of realization
washed away the flashy colors
from the canvas of my life
The murk was not in this world
my glasses instead had gotten soiled.

I am fed up treading the mill
running forever but still
With boundary of money
I tried to secure life,
pails full of it could not quench my mind’s strife.

A warm body is all I need
to row my boat from birth to death
A humble heart inside the casing
to enjoy the mystery of ocean’s depth.

I am ready to sniff the air of happiness
I am ready to swim the river of joy
I want to listen to the nature’s rhyme
With love in my heart, inked on paper,
I can win this world, it wouldn’t cost a dime
Just a matter of time.

Life is not science, it’s not even art
to be lived not with mind but with heart
A fabric made of moments’ thread,
Life is me and I am the life.