Names many but you are One
All are a part of you
You are present
everywhere, in everyone.

Common consciousness
countless faces
Everywhere a spiritual eye
can find your traces.

Like the light of candle
Your love illumines all directions
Your sweet praise on my tongue
gives my heart a deep delectation.

The flowing rivers are You
The glowing Sun is You
The Moon’s glitter is all yours
In the form of Universe,
Within me are present
none but You.

My heart beats in joy to your tunes
I feel You flow in my veins
The silk of my breath is Your embrace
I am meager than dust,
Yet this world, my soul reigns.

Pointing toward the welkin
I often meditate, and pray to thee
Only to realize that
You reside in my heart,
the welkin is all inside me.

I feel your presence
in the humming sound of silence;
I enjoy your company
equally in din and silence.

An uncontrolled mind clouding my soul
Life was full of thorns, having no way to head
With faith in You, Your thought in my heart
Everyday is now festive, I am walking on rosebed.