Two conditions for the law of attraction to work are (i) the desire has to be strong enough to launch the rocket of signal into the universe. It should be strongly felt in the blood and (ii) there should be a strong belief in our heart about the possibility of actualization of that desire.

By satisfying these two conditions only we can make our subconscious mind believe what we want it to believe. Unless we ourselves do not have belief in what we want, subconscious mind being an intelligent enough, would immediately catch the truth through our feelings and emotions.

We can take advantage of the law of attraction by not letting any conflict arise between what we want and what we ask for from the universe. We can know whether or not we are in sync with the universe by reading our emotions on the emotometer as discussed earlier.

In case our emotometer reads emotions like happiness, freedom, joy, ecstasy that means we are faring well but if the emotometer shows emotions like boredom, anxiety, frustration, depression etc. then it means we are going against the universal harmony and blocking the receipt of our desired object or situation.