The following two techniques can be used to apply law of attraction in our lives:

1. Keep clear and be at ease:

Whenever a desire takes birth inside our consciousness, just be fully aware and do nothing. The desire having got born, the rocket has already been shot into the universal consciousness. And every request is well accepted. Now, do nothing about it. Our sub conscious mind is capable and powerful enough to take care of the desire. It won’t forget it.

Even if our conscious mind does, sub conscious mind won’t forget the desire once created within. The desire however needs to be really strong enough and we need to feel it in our blood very deeply.

Just don’t create mess at the conscious level and thereby cause a barrier to receiving. Universe will itself handle it. Let the power of sub conscious mind play its role.

Just like we discussed the example of watch earlier. I simply let the desire subside and energy settle down. Be at ease. Let the universe receive my request and give me what I want. No resistance, no conflict, nothing. I that way keep my frequency in open universal mode and become ripe to receive from the universe whatever I desired for. This state of being needs practice and can be achieved through regular practice of meditation.


2. Affirmation and imagination:

As discussed earlier, the sub conscious mind can be made to believe what we want.

So, if I clearly and vividly imagine and simultaneously affirm in my mind through the process of thinking about the happening of my desired situation or getting my desired object as if it has already happened, I make my sub conscious mind believe that the situation is already there or the desired object has already come into my experience and it starts sending the same signal to the universe and eventually my imagination and affirmations would come true!

Stronger my imagination is greater are the chances of the law operating in my life. And don’t forget the thumb rule of strong feeling of desire and strong belief in the possibility of the actualization of desire.

Suppose I never appeared in the exam and now I try affirming and imagining my desire to pass the exam. But in such case I would never have any belief in passing in the first place because deep inside I would know that I couldn’t pass as I never appeared in the exam. In such cases law won’t work. I need to have an unfettered belief in the happening of the event.

Similarly, suppose my desire is to become a multi millionaire. Now I need to act and behave and think in the same manner, as I would have had I already been a multi millionaire. I need to believe so much and so intensely in the happening of the event that it must feel as if it is already mine, already there, already achieved. I need to live my dream my desire.