Hi, I am Krishna from Kathmandu, Nepal. I came to know Mr. Anshul Gupta via Facebook. Before meeting him there was no any relation between us but now he is like my own brother.

He is so helpful in nature. He is not only ready to help whoever comes to him for help but also to the one he does not know and is in need of help.

Talking about me, I was suffering from depression one month ago. I had taken Yes+ course but also I suffered from depression and I did not know what to do. So one day I saw him on chat and I felt like he could help me and I told him all what happened with me and why I was depressed. Then he immediately got ready to help me. He fixed time and helped me through skype. He taught me what is right and what is wrong. In overall he showed me the actual reality after which my all depression just vanished. I started smiling on skype. He also taught me about meditation. I still remember ‘Meditation’ means ‘witnessing’. So, in this way my brother, my teacher, my guru, Mr. Anshul Gupta helped me and now I am free from all stress and also have feeling that there is someone back at me if something goes wrong.

I am very grateful meeting him.

Krishna – Nepal


I had very close interaction with Anshul via Skype. He is very plain speaking, crystal clear in thoughts and very simple in approach, which appealed to me. He has helped me with a simple meditation technique, which I found very relevant and looks to have great harmony with nature as I was finding little disconnected with many other techniques, which I have come across. Wish him all the best as he is not loaded with words and concepts, but very modest and humble as he helps you to find your way

Dharmendra Siddaram – Bangalore


I really don’t have words to explain what I received at Spiritual Tequila with Anshul! This was the best tequila I had ever tasted and now drunk with it forever 🙂 Thanks Anshul for your concern and personal attention to my spiritual needs! Despite being a meditator for last many years, I was in deep despair! I thank Anshul for teaching me the definition of meditation and what it ‘actually’ is. I loved his poetic expressions during sessions and how he always had a metaphor ready for me to explain what he wanted to say! Thank you very much…

Munish Ahuja – Mumbai


We all know the outer world but to know the inner I think we need some guidance from someone who already has been in touch with his inner world. It makes things much easier. Anshul helped me to explore and understand my inner world. All the answers that I had been looking for were already there within me. Layers and layers of tension, worry and anxiety got peeled out easily with simple and effective meditation techniques that ranged from dancing with your spouse to singing in bathroom! Meditation, I learned from Anshul, is something that’s not a half an hour affair but a lifelong love affair. I am playing with it!

Benu – New Delhi


His so-called half-an-hour sessions usually take around one and a half hours to two hours. So beware of him :). The kind of personal attention this guy gave to me was really appreciable. I have been really pleased with, and surprised at, his ability to give sessions without any preparation beforehand. Being a continuous traveler I was not able to take my sessions on a specific time. Anshul was kind enough to allow me call him anytime during business hours to check if he was available! If the situation allowed, he simply used to ask for a minute or two to get settled and then started a long, sweet and enchanting spiritual session. I loved his sense of humor and the wayand the confidence with which he called all my problems ‘simple situations’ actually made them appear like simple situations!I love you Anshul.

Anil Kumar – New Delhi


Anshul is a young and promising spiritual guide and coach. His style and approach towards spirituality and meditation is fresh and brand new. I had experienced two life coaches before but came out dissatisfied with what I received there. I was undergoing a bad phase both in my business life and family life because of my constant conflicts. All the small and petty issues appeared so big before meeting Anshul. He as if gave me a guru mantra in the form of his spiritual explanation and meditation and my perspective towards life started changing right from the first session I had with him. The problems were still there but now they appeared smaller than before. I have improved my relation within my family and am able to concentrate better on my business. I can see a drastic change in my life. Thanks Anshul for always taking out that extra time for me!

Sumit Alag – Delhi


I had this problem of eating too much and sleeping late night. I was really worried and disappointed with my daily routine. I was not able to remain attentive and focus during my day. I met Anshul over skype and he advised me to start jogging daily for half an hour in the evening. I was surprised that whether he was a spiritual guide or a physical trainer? But his advice really helped me a lot to sleep early and regulate my food intake. Now I am taking spiritual lessons from him and have been able to change my life for good through meditation.

Mohit Kumar – Ahmedabad


“Reading his lovely posts and articles on facebook made me call Anshul. Talking to and chatting with him over sessions I had developed a feeling of happiness within me. The friction in my life got reduced. He taught me how to live with a dance in my heart and made me throw away my shyness with which I had been living for years. I learned meditation with him that I have been practicing for last 6 months now. I can now do meditation at any time during my day and feel happy inside. Anshul has made meditation a part of my life.”

Ashutosh Mishra – Gorakhpur – UP